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Trees for small gardens

Trees are invaluable for adding height and structure to your garden

When I am designing a large, country garden of several acres I like to add Beech trees and Oaks but obviously these are totally unsuitable in a small urban garden. Here are some of my favourites for the small garden:

Acer griseum The peeling bark maple has good autumn foliage and wonderful peeling red bark. It has cinnamon outer bark which continually curls off and reveals the newer bark. The foliage starts off pale green in the spring and then darkens as the season progresses. In autumn it has fiery red leaves.
Height to 9m Spread to 7.5m full sun. Any soil but best colour achieved in neutral or acid soil

Amelanchier lamarckii It has white blossom which comes out just as the young leaves are coming through. The young leaves are a copper colour. Small black berries follow the spring blossom and the foliage colours well in the autumn. It can also be grown as a shrub.
Height to 6m Spread to 4.5m Lime free soil. For the best autumn colour the sol should ideally be on the acid side of neutral.

Betula utilis jacquemontii The bark of this birch is a sparkling white which looks fantastic in winter. In spring it will have catkins which hang down at the same time as the leaves are appearing. It looks graceful throughout the summer and the leaves colours yellow in the autumn. If you can afford a multi-stem these look stunning or alternatively plant three in a group. Another beautiful alternative is Betula albosinensis with pinky-white stems. Unfortunately this does not seem so easily available.
Height to 9m Spread to 6m

Cercis siliquastrum The Judas tree has black branches which become covered with pink, sweet-pea shaped flowers in early spring. These are followed by heart-shaped grey-green leaves. Purple pods follow.
Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' is the purple leaved variety I keep admiring at Chelsea but unfortunately any Cercis would curl up and die in my thick clay soil.
Height to 4.5m Spread to 4.5m Needs well-drained sandy soil, sun and shelter.

Malus Golden Hornet This crab apple has attractive blossom in spring and abundant yellow fruits in the autumn. These persist for a long time, lasting well after the leaves have fallen. Other crab apples to look out for are Malus hupehensis which will have small red fruits and Malus floribunda which has pale pink flowers in spring.
Height to 6m Spread to 4.5m

Prunus serrula It has rich shiny red bark making it another striking tree for all seasons.
Height to 9m Spread to 9m

Sorbus 'Joseph Rock' This rowan has stunning autumn colour with golden yellow fruits. The leaves will turn orange, yellow and purplish.
Height to 10.5m Spread to 6m


Maria Greenhill B.Ed (Hons) PG Dip GD (OCGD)
Contact Maria on 01908 678647 to discuss your ideal garden